Saturday, November 22, 2008

Caitlain's Corner

Or is it Alyssa's corner? Or Alexa's corner?

Just who is Caitlain J. Simpson? Or Alyssa Simpson? Or Alexa DiCarlo, Girl Wonder and Escort?

They are all the same person.

Alyssa (or is it Caitlain), masquerades online as Caitlain, SysOp of Caitlain's Corner, a sex-advice website. She also spends her free time as a San Francisco escort, using the name Alexa DiCarlo. As for Alyssa Simpson? I'm not sure who that is. Maybe that's her real name?

From what I understand, when she first arrived "on the scene", she was dolling out advice, claiming to be a high school student. Soon after, she was in college, learning about sex from real professors and all (former and current members of have backed up that their research showed, at the time, that she was faking at least part of her identity).

Then she had a run-in with the operator of, and was banned. So, what did she do? What any good advisor would do: open her own website.

Now it must be mentioned that, when Caitlain's Corner first opened, it was registered to an Alyssa Simpson. It is now, however, registered to Caitlain J. Simpson (well, the site does not have the J., but the address does). Also, it is important to mention the site was registered in California, where it is currently registered. For some odd reason, she had a site registered in California while going to school in Florida (we're not sure how that makes sense, either).

What does make sense is that this wily girl lies about who she is - so she doesn't have to worry about getting in trouble for trying to lure her 16 year-old apprentice, "Keeley" into her bedchamber. Hey, if you use a fake name, you can get away with anything on the internet, right? RIGHT?

She'll probably deny all or most of this, but a quick internet search (may I suggest google?) of the names in here will show that there are some other people that have done their reading and research on "Ms. Simpson", and that they're not being fooled, either.

If you don't believe, at the very least, that Alexa and Caitlain are the same people, simply run your own search: Try and Hell, try, too! You'll soon see. Though, because I'm exposing her, she might change some of the registration info. If that happens, simply accept these screen captures as today's parting gifts:

Why am I doing this? Because she's a liar and a conniver. Because she's preying on young girls and boys on the internet giving advice and claiming to have a degree, yet she was apparently living in California while apparently going to school in Florida. Because somebody has to catch sexual predators like her. Because she thinks she knows more than your gyno, sometimes, even though she doesn't have a medical degree. Because I can. Because somebody had to. Because I'm a dick.


Jude Iscariot said...

Oh, hey, look, Caitlain's pics from this website:

(warning, adult content - porn site)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pat Martin said...

The "Alexa" story is blowing up:

Sungold said...

Can you restore those screenshots? They're not working anymore. I'd like to use your post to substantiate the contention that Alexa and Caitlain are one and the same, but the photo links have gone dead.

Unknown said...

I honestly don't care whether or not she had a degree, Caitlain had the absolute best sexual education information on the internet. I have never seen a site that provided such a great atmosphere for learning about sexuality while still being so informative. She provided a realistic look at sexual behavior and its consequences, while encouraging healthy choices and promoting a healthy environment. Who cares if someone on the internet wasn't exactly who they said they were? The information was always complete and refreshingly honest. My life is better and my experiences have been healthier for having had access to this site.

Anonymous said...

Love, she was a liar, and the advice she gave out was dangerous. This blog says it, other blogs say it, and anybody with a reasonable idea of what is right and wrong sees it.

paul said...

Thnx for such a nice posting...Life Experience Degree

William Arrowsmith said...

Did you actually read the site at all? There wasn't a single word of bad or dangerous advice, unless you view sexuality as inherently immoral. At every step of the way she encouraged people to take long steps making sure they were ready for sexual activity and then handling everything safely... there was a huge in-depth section on dealing realistically with dangers like pregnancy, STDs and partner abuse. It did nothing but advocate healthy relationships between consenting partners. She was not lying about giving good honest and healthy sexual advice... like none of us have ever lied in our entire lives.